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    asking politely... O czy rozmawia dzisiaj mlodziez w USA... to sa posty ludzi ktorzy
    majac 'nascie' lat, widza klamstwa i beda domagac sie prawdy.

    "Maybe it's rash, but I don't think we're just going to get the truth about
    9/11 by asking politely"

    "is there a place we can talk about this without being watched? i'm seriously
    stop dispensing unwanted advice to the Palestinian ...Let us instead mind our own business. And our business right now is
    tickets... and get political advice from... Why should people get political advice from rock stars?

    "We're not just rock musicians, we're citizens — and we're also taxpayers and
    fathers and uncles," Gossard told AP Radio. "I think everyone has a duty to
    participate in any election they feel strongly about."

    Friendly advice for jew-lovin` mirmat instead of making a short story LOOOONGGGG
    try the opposite
    Terror alert advice gets personal. Dziekuje zydom Terror alert advice gets personal.
    Pamietaj: Dzieki zydom skurwysynom.

    Americans told to stock food, water, prepare safe rooms
    Abigail Adams from the Red Cross discusses how citizens
    should prepare for a possible terrorist attack.

    By John Mintz
    WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 Top federal officials yesterday issued the
    need advice, please, road to krakow Hallo, everybody, I'm from Zagreb, Croatia, and I'm planning to go to Krakow
    for Easter by car.
    Could you please tell me the best road route from Zagreb to Krakow?
    1) Zagreb - Wien - Brno - Katowice - Krakow
    2) Zagreb - Bratislava - Cesky Tesin - Bielsko Biala - Krakow
    3) Zagreb - Budapest - via Tatra Mountains - Krakow
    4) somethnig e
    advice - dont focus 2 much on your grammar work on your accent! If you get that right, you're set and nobody will ever
    question your knowledge of english. Accent, accent, acccent, accent!!!!!
    It's the most important factor in studying any language.
    how to translate need advice how would you translate the following expression, seems easy?
    looking forward fo your suggestions
    What advice What advice would you give somebody coming to live and work in your country?
    FCE-any advice?? Przygotowuję się do FCE, macie może dla mnie jakies praktyczne rady, albo
    np.ciekawe książki czy też programy pomaające w nauce??
    z goy dzieki
    Advice needed Ex Language Powerbook:

    Circle the word/words that go with the verbs.

    ARRIVE early/late, to school, your house.
    Of course both of them go. But my question is why they put preposition "to".
    In my opinion it should rather be "arrive early/late at school", as "arrive"
    goes either with "in" or &q
    Work in USA - ask for advice I've been recently offered a seasonal job in USA (of course illegally) but I
    am a bit doubtful about it. First, my earns are going to be unexpectedly
    high, which I wasn't prepared for - it means 15 thousand dollars for two
    months of everyday (12 hours a day) but reasonably light and pleasant work.
    I'd be glad if someone who have worked
    anglisci, pomozcie-advice ma liczbe mnoga? mozna napisac a lot of advices?
    I need your advice please as to my work situation I have been working in a contact centre for 2 weeks now. Everything is fine,
    except when it comes to monitoring (call observation) - I fall to pieces and
    don't perform very well. On top of it my supervisor is a big bully (Other
    teams have very good supervisors).

    I was summoned by my boss to his supervisor's office and they both told m
    liczba mnoga od advice A physician gives ADVISE - ma byc inne słówko
    CV advice I wonder if you could give me an advice where to look for CV examples.I have
    already applied for several jobs with minimal response.I have an impresion
    that my CV is not interesting for my potential employers.
    I would be very grateful if you could suggest any materials to look at to
    write interesting CV.
    PLEASE give me some advices Jak sie domyslicie po pytaniu jestem laikiem. Bede wdzieczny jak dacie mi
    jakas rade. NP: co zrobić, a raczej czego nie robić żeby nie wpaść, czegoś
    co definitywnie oznacza wpadkę. Jeszcze jedno jakbyście mogli zaznajomić mnie
    ze spooferami bylo by super.
    Z gory dziekowa. POZDROWIENIA
    Payment advice "by mail" - jak uruchomić? Witam
    Myślimy nad wysyłaniem "payment advices" do dostawców pocztą
    elektroniczną. Jaką konfigurację powinniśmy wykonać bo z tego co
    widzę należy przypisać formularz w OBVU. Ale jak spowodować
    aby "wysyłał się" do dostawcy zamiast go drukować? Bardzo proszę o
    Cloud Cult - Advice From The Happy Hippopotamus czyli dostałem między oczy i jestem wstrząśnięty. to bodaj 4 płyta
    długogrająca tego zespołu z minneapolis. nie znam niestety jeszcze
    wcześniejszych ale:

    myślałem że "tradycyjny" bright eyes i anthony będą jeszcze długo dzielić moje
    prywatne miejsce nr 1 2005 a tu klapa bo pojawiła się ta płyta.

    takie albumy pojawiają się
    gimme a lil' hip -hop advice :) bo tak mnie znowu natchło żeby sobie gadaczy posłuchać, ale co biorę w łapę nowe produkcje, głównie Anticony, ale tez różnych czarnych braci losowanych w ciemno, to się paskudnie nacinam, albo dostaję płytę do dwukrotnego przesłuchania i deleta ze znudzenia, typu nowy Common. I kończy się tym, że słucham jakis staroci typu Phi-Life Cypher albo Peop
    my life is in chaos and i ask you for info/advice! this weekend my fiancee and I have broken up and so there's nothing left for
    me to stay in stinky uk for and i'm planning my return to Poland (to Krakow).
    Does anyone know what kind of legal complications i might face as a uk
    citizen applying for a job in Poland? (most likely as a salesperson in a shop)
    advice What advice could you give to Poles learning English?
    Polish-American work and living advice I recently moved to Warsaw and am looking for some work and a place to live.
    Anyone have any advice? I speak Polish fluently, am a native Engish speaker,
    have a background in arts/painting/graphics and BA degree in Liberal
    Arts/urban studies.
    career advice Witam, interesuje mnie dzialalnosc biur career advice. czy macie jakies
    doswiadczenia z ta instytucja??? Napiszcie co wiecie na ten temat.
    Citizens advice bureau To popularne bardzo w Anglii biuro porad obywatelskich.Mialam dwie personalne
    sprawy do rozwiazania tak wiec poszlam po porade.Jednak spotkalam sie z
    zarzutem co ja tu robie skoro jestem z Polski?Czy mam w ogole prawo tu
    przebywac?Wyjasnilam ze jestesmy w Unii od zeszlego roku tak wiec mozemy tu
    pracowac i przebywac bez wizy.Nie chciala
    CeMAP(Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice) Dziewczyny, czy ktoras z Was ma certyfikat CeMAP?
    Chcialabym go zrobic, ale nie wiem na ktora firme sie zdecydowac.
    Moze ktos moglby mi doradzic? Dzieki!
    Citizens Advice Bureau Czy komuś udało się kiedykolwiek do nich dodzwonić?
    Na razie próbuję od dwóch dni i nic.
    Jak chciałam porady w kwestiach mieszkaniowych (co zrobić, jak nie chcą mi
    wynając mieszkania, bo mam dzieci), to zachęcili mnie, bym poszukała
    prywatnych landlordów w lokalnej gazecie (ale odkrycie, jakbym ja robiła coś
    innego; to właśnie prywatni
    ADVICE - czy ktoś słyszał o tej firmie? Jest to firma z Warszawy, prowadzi szkolenie m.in. na agenta celnego.
    Chciałbym się dowiedzieć czy jest wiarygodna (sam kurs jest drogi i chcę mieć
    pewność że nie jest to "firma krzak").
    Decades later, still asking: Would I pull that switch?
    I'm just asking... "cos we all have wings,
    but some of us don't know why"

    INXS (Never Tear Us Apart)

    So why? ...
    I'm just asking.
    asking boss for a raise How to ask your Boss for a salary increase..?

    One day an employee sends a letter to Her boss
    asking for an increase in her salary !!!

    Dear Bo$$
    In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing$
    mo$t de$perately.
    I think you $hould be under $tanding of the
    need$ of your worker$
    who have given $o much $upport including $weat
    and $ervi
    Czy ktos jedzie do pracy do Anglii z firmy Advice? Czy ktos wybiera sie do pracy do Anglii z firmy Advice Group z Opola ? Expert Advice Facet nawet nie wie, jak jest śmieszny :-)... Awesome forex advice http://forex555.blogspot.com/... (THIS IS SO REAL PEOPLE) IM ASKING FOR DONATIONS FOR HEART SURGERY               hello i always figured this would never happen to me but my heart is having serious issuses do to a birth defect (i was born with a hole in my heart)and need money to have the surgery to get the hole fix so i am asking for donations to help with the cost since i dont have insurance so if you have a p Need Advice on what to learn Am an old DB and Basic programmer.  What's best to learn to get up to speed. Java, HTML, SQL, VB 6???  Or better yet, what would be best combination of programs to know? >>>Denver Programmer<<<         SuperG Graphics                 >><<...
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